Say hello to SAD SHOP CARDS, the new indie greeting card maker we're representing!

We're very proud and happy to introduce our customers to Katie Davis, proprietor of Sad Shop Cards, a Seattle-based indie greeting card company. You should check out her Twitter, too.

We think her cards are fresh and modern and funny. Sad Shop cards have been featured on the Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, and Zooey Deschanel has Liked them! (And if they're good enough for Zooey, they're good enough for us.)

Many bookstores on the West Coast and East Coast have been carrying Sad Shop cards already, and we're so glad to be able to help spread the love here in the midwest. Check out her line at Etsy – so handy for browsing – and get in touch with your favorite Abraham Associate to place an order today.

Nobrow Press | A Big Victory for William Grill!

The judges said of Shackleton’s Journey, ‘The detailed small illustrations wonderfully bring to life the intricacies of life during the journey, whilst the breath-taking larger illustrations provide a strong sense of scale and highlight the enormity of the natural world. This is an exciting, quality book which provides a true experience and reminds us that it is the people, not the journey, that truly matter’. 

Flying Eye / Nobrow author William Grill becomes the youngest winner of the Kate Greenaway Medal in 50 years for his stellar book, Shackleton's Journey.

Stacy Wakefield Discusses Debut Novel by Akashic Books (courtesy of Galley Cat)

Author Stacy Wakefield talks about her new book, The Sunshine Crust Baking Factory, with GalleyCat Editor Dianna Dilworth.

Stacy Wakefield‘s debut novel, The Sunshine Crust Baking Factory (Akashic Books), tells the tale of a young woman’s quest to join the anarchist squatting scene in New York in 1995. Upon arrival, Sid discovers that the East Village is crowded and ends up in the uncharted territory of Williamsburg, Brooklyn. The lively novel brings to life the misfits and eccentrics that inhabited the neighborhood decades before The Wyeth Hotel and Blue Bottle opened up.

GalleyCat caught up with Wakefield to discuss the new book. Wakefield talks about how she used documentary research to inspire a work of fiction; landing a publishing deal even though she couldn’t nab an agent; and the process of designing her own book cover.

By Dianna Dilworth on Jun. 18, 2015 - 2:20 PM

Original article here.