Accusing Amazon of Antitrust Violations, Authors and Booksellers Demand Inquiry: NY Times

"Five years after Amazon secretly asked regulators to investigate leading publishers — a case that ended up reinforcing the e-commerce company’s clout — groups representing thousands of authors, agents and independent booksellers are asking the United States Department of Justice to examine Amazon for antitrust violations.


"The Authors Guild, the American Booksellers Association, the Association of Authors’ Representatives and Authors United said in letters and statementsbeing sent this week to the Justice Department that “Amazon has used its dominance in ways that we believe harm the interests of America’s readers, impoverish the book industry as a whole, damage the careers of (and generate fear among) many authors, and impede the free flow of ideas in our society.”

A great tip today from Books & Whatnot for store owners and managers.

Beth Golay offers up solid advice for bookstore staff every weekday in her email newsletter, Books & Whatnot. (Seriously, it's worth the five minutes she asks of you each day.) 

Today's advice is on getting control of your social media logins and passwords:


"If your bookstore has been around for a while, your social media history probably began with a website. Then you might have added a MySpace profile, which was abandoned to create a Facebook page, closely followed by a Twitter account. Later you probably considered Flickr, Tumblr, Instagram, Pinterest, and Snapchat.

And if you're like most businesses you either created these profiles yourself or, more likely, you had a younger person on staff create them. Login names are probably a litany of email addresses from staff members come and gone, and some might be personal email addresses instead of logins related to the store.

If you only have 5 minutes to devote to marketing today, use those 300 seconds to create a social media master spreadsheet. Make a list of login names and passwords for each account you have for the store. Take a look at the administrators with permission to edit your Facebook page. Does everyone on the list still work for you?"


New Harbinger to publish the Gender Quest Workbook – a new book for teens exploring their gender and identity

There's been a lot of gender identity discussion in the media lately (thanks, Caitlyn!), and a lot of the dialogue has probably been more sensationalistic than actually sensitive and meaningful. Into this gap, New Harbinger Publications (the noted publisher of hundreds of helpful books on therapy, personal growth, mental health, development, and coping strategies) has moved up the publication date of the latest volume in their Instant Help Books for Teens series – The Gender Quest Workbook. Originally planned for next February, the book now has an early November ship date.

We couldn't be more proud to help bring this new tool to bookstores and help teens, parents, and caregivers find the right path.

Here's more about the book from the New Harbinger catalog:

"If you are a transgender and gender nonconforming (TGNC) teen, you may experience unique challenges with identity and interpersonal relationships. In addition to experiencing common teen challenges such as body changes and peer pressure, you may be wondering how to express your unique identity to others. The Gender Quest Workbook incorporates skills, exercises, and activities from evidence-based therapies—such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)—to help you address the broad range of struggles you may encounter related to gender identity, such as anxiety, isolation, fear, and even depression.

"The activities in this book will help you explore your identity internally, interpersonally, and culturally. And along the way, you’ll learn how to effectively express yourself and make informed decisions on how to navigate your gender at home, school, work, or in relationships."

Gender Quest Workbook: A Guide For Teens And Young Adults Exploring Gender Identity
by Rylan Jay Testa, Deborah Coolhart & Jayme Peta
New Harbinger | 9781626252974 | $16.95 | Paper | Nov 2015


Say hello to SAD SHOP CARDS, the new indie greeting card maker we're representing!

We're very proud and happy to introduce our customers to Katie Davis, proprietor of Sad Shop Cards, a Seattle-based indie greeting card company. You should check out her Twitter, too.

We think her cards are fresh and modern and funny. Sad Shop cards have been featured on the Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, and Zooey Deschanel has Liked them! (And if they're good enough for Zooey, they're good enough for us.)

Many bookstores on the West Coast and East Coast have been carrying Sad Shop cards already, and we're so glad to be able to help spread the love here in the midwest. Check out her line at Etsy – so handy for browsing – and get in touch with your favorite Abraham Associate to place an order today.